Hello lovely readers! I hope this blog finds you happy and feeling fine on this lovely Spring day! I've had a particularly nice week, what with my best friend coming down from Portland for 5 days of bonfires, an amazing concert and a gorgeous hike up in Alsea Falls, some of which I'd love to share with you here.
Isabelle, Justin and Heather, on the trail to the Falls...
Firstly, we have some sad news... The gimpy chicken we'd been trying to nurse and save for the past couple months finally gave up on this life, hopefully to be rewarded for being such a good little chicken and come back as something that can run or fly with the best of them in the next one. She had been deteriorating more and more everyday, and I had just decided the night before to talk to Justin seriously about putting her out of her misery. I hated the idea, but I could just tell she was miserable and that it would be more humane to let her go. Lucky for all involved, she made that choice for herself. Doesn't seem fair to be born into such a short, hard little life, but I have to think there was some kind of grand design involved in it. At the very least, she was well loved, which has to count for something.
Also, we have started letting the rest of the babies out of the coop now, which is working out great so far. You could see some of the older hens establishing their rank in the pecking order at first, but I think everyone's starting to get used to each other at this point, although the chicks tend to stick to themselves for the most part. Here they are all huddled in a sunny spot, soaking up some rays. Cute little buggers!
Some other things are now in full bloom around the yard, including my Bleeding Heart bush! This is the first year it's bloomed since it was given to me a couple years ago, and I can only assume it's because it appreciates this setting better than the last. ;) I have always loved the beauty of these plants so much! Ever since I was a wee lass and we had a bush outside our house in rural Arkansas. I used to pluck the flowers and squeeze them to see if they'd really bleed. They didn't... :(
And the Cherry trees are in full bloom!!! There were no Cherry's last year, but I'm assuming this year will be different, as you can just hear these trees humming with bees. I'm so excited!
Also, the Dandelion's are already starting to fluff, so I'm really looking forward to wishfully spreading their lovely seed all around the yard to encourage even more this year. We've already had lots of Dandelion leaf in our salads this Spring, and look forward to tons more, as well as powerful root medicines, etc.
My seedlings are starting to sprout, which is mighty exciting! I especially love the deep purply-green of the Red Chard! There's nothing like successfully bringing a new life, or thousands, into the world! ;) Thanks Heather for helping take care of all these guys for me while you were here! <3 It's a big responsibility, and I always appreciate some assistance.
The Hawthorn is really starting to explode with bright, vibrant greens already! It's one of the few deciduous's that have. Really hoping for lots of flowers on this one this year as well, as it also didn't fruit last year. I <3 Hawthorn!
Saturday, Heather, Justin, Isabelle and I, all took a hike out to Alsea Falls, to find a fullness of fabulous forest flora and fauna fertily fructifying all around us! ;)
It was awesome!
Here the odoriferous Skunkweed is in full bloom, in all it's redolent majesty...
The alluring Fawn Lily, gracefully bowing her head...
I guiltily startled a couple of cuddly snakes whilst climbing up a slick rock. One slithered away, but this one stuck around to give me the stare-down... Sorry!
Ginger, Ginger everywhere! I thought it fitting that there was tons of Wild Ginger all throughout our walk, as there were two Humonid wild gingers wandering amongst their grandeur, for sure!
Here the Wild Ginger is tucked up to the False Solomon's Seal and what I thought was Ducksfoot, but now I'm not sure...
What I thought was Coltsfoot... (any expertise would be MUCH appreciated!)
Peeking out at the Falls through the foliage...
Mosses, Ferns and tree stumps... my favorite Oregon decor! ;)
Wild Ginger and Oxalis oregano...
Ponderosa Pine Bark...
Salmon Berry Flower...
Roaring River Rapids... <3
The gorgeous Falls...
more Wild River love...
Mossy Roots...
Little Falls...
This Nurse Log/Stump, was sustaining life for 3 different trees, at least.
Me, happy in my element...
amazing littlle Bryophytes... <3
Trilllium!!! <3<3<3
HUGE patch of Wild Ginger!!!
Yellow Wild Violets... Just love anything with the word "Wild" in it's name!
Intriguing little plant of unknown origin. Interestingly enough, looks a lot like a pic I found of something called "Sweet Colstfoot"... Anyone??
Because I love the symmetry of nature...
Mossy arches! Thanks again, Oregon! ;)
The Skunk Cabbage forest...
And finally, more Nettles!!! I <3 you Nettles!!!
Thanks again for reading and viewing! Hope you enjoyed it! And hope you have a beautiful day! Go marvel at the moss! ;)
As always, I love your blogs. They are written with a flair for feeling! Oh, and they sometimes help me relive wonderful things, like Alsea! YEA!