Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Alsea Falls Plant Walk + Some

Hello lovely readers! I hope this blog finds you happy and feeling fine on this lovely Spring day! I've had a particularly nice week, what with my best friend coming down from Portland for 5 days of bonfires, an amazing concert and a gorgeous hike up in Alsea Falls, some of which I'd love to share with you here. 

Isabelle, Justin and Heather, on the trail to the Falls...

Firstly, we have some sad news... The gimpy chicken we'd been trying to nurse and save for the past couple months finally gave up on this life, hopefully to be rewarded for being such a good little chicken and come back as something that can run or fly with the best of them in the next one. She had been deteriorating more and more everyday, and I had just decided the night before to talk to Justin seriously about putting her out of her misery. I hated the idea, but I could just tell she was miserable and that it would be more humane to let her go. Lucky for all involved, she made that choice for herself. Doesn't seem fair to be born into such a short, hard little life, but I have to think there was some kind of grand design involved in it. At the very least, she was well loved, which has to count for something. 

Also, we have started letting the rest of the babies out of the coop now, which is working out great so far. You could see some of the older hens establishing their rank in the pecking order at first, but I think everyone's starting to get used to each other at this point, although the chicks tend to stick to themselves for the most part. Here they are all huddled in a sunny spot, soaking up some rays. Cute little buggers!

Some other things are now in full bloom around the yard, including my Bleeding Heart bush! This is the first year it's bloomed since it was given to me a couple years ago, and I can only assume it's because it appreciates this setting better than the last. ;) I have always loved the beauty of these plants so much! Ever since I was a wee lass and we had a bush outside our house in rural Arkansas. I used to pluck the flowers and squeeze them to see if they'd really bleed. They didn't... :( 

And the Cherry trees are in full bloom!!! There were no Cherry's last year, but I'm assuming this year will be different, as you can just hear these trees humming with bees. I'm so excited! 

Also, the Dandelion's are already starting to fluff, so I'm really looking forward to wishfully spreading their lovely seed all around the yard to encourage even more this year. We've already had lots of Dandelion leaf in our salads this Spring, and look forward to tons more, as well as powerful root medicines, etc.

My seedlings are starting to sprout, which is mighty exciting! I especially love the deep purply-green of the Red Chard! There's nothing like successfully bringing a new life, or thousands, into the world! ;) Thanks Heather for helping take care of all these guys for me while you were here! <3 It's a big responsibility, and I always appreciate some assistance.

The Hawthorn is really starting to explode with bright, vibrant greens already! It's one of the few deciduous's that have. Really hoping for lots of flowers on this one this year as well, as it also didn't fruit last year. I <3 Hawthorn!

Saturday, Heather, Justin, Isabelle and I, all took a hike out to Alsea Falls, to find a fullness of fabulous forest flora and fauna fertily fructifying all around us! ;)
It was awesome!

Here the odoriferous Skunkweed is in full bloom, in all it's redolent majesty... 

The alluring Fawn Lily, gracefully bowing her head...

I guiltily startled a couple of cuddly snakes whilst climbing up a slick rock. One slithered away, but this one stuck around to give me the stare-down... Sorry!

Ginger, Ginger everywhere! I thought it fitting that there was tons of Wild Ginger all throughout our walk, as there were two Humonid wild gingers wandering amongst their grandeur, for sure! 

Here the Wild Ginger is tucked up to the False Solomon's Seal and what I thought was Ducksfoot, but now I'm not sure... 

What I thought was Coltsfoot... (any expertise would be MUCH appreciated!)

Peeking out at the Falls through the foliage...

Mosses, Ferns and tree stumps... my favorite Oregon decor! ;)

Wild Ginger and Oxalis oregano...

Ponderosa Pine Bark...

Salmon Berry Flower...

Roaring River Rapids... <3

The gorgeous Falls...

more Wild River love...

Mossy Roots...

Little Falls...

This Nurse Log/Stump, was sustaining life for 3 different trees, at least.

Me, happy in my element...

amazing littlle Bryophytes... <3

Trilllium!!! <3<3<3

HUGE patch of Wild Ginger!!!

Yellow Wild Violets... Just love anything with the word "Wild" in it's name!

Intriguing little plant of unknown origin. Interestingly enough, looks a lot like a pic I found of something called "Sweet Colstfoot"... Anyone??

Because I love the symmetry of nature...

Mossy arches! Thanks again, Oregon! ;)

The Skunk Cabbage forest...

And finally, more Nettles!!! I <3 you Nettles!!!

Thanks again for reading and viewing! Hope you enjoyed it! And hope you have a beautiful day! Go marvel at the moss! ;)

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

More Spring Updates: Chickens and Nettles


This past Fall was exciting, because we (mainly Jack and Justin) harvested TONS of Elderberry for me to make lots of different medicines with. I ended up tincturing about the equivalent of 32, 2oz. bottles of Elixir, and also made several 16 ounce jars of Syrup that ended up lasting me and my friends throughout the entire Fall and Winter of colds and flus, which seemed like such an amazing blessing to me. Well, this Spring, it's going to be Nettles! As I mentioned in my last blog, I found a huge patch of Nettles at my favorite local spot on the Willamette, and I've now gathered quite a bit of the leaves, leaving plenty to go to seed, of which I will gather a limited amount, leaving the rest to reseed themselves, as I've read some great things about Nettle seeds on Kiva's blog and their effect on adrenal fatigue, and am eager to experiment with that as soon as the time is right. But for now, I am hoping to try and live through the Valley's allergy season with a lot less suffering, as Nettles is pretty famous for it's allergy fighting properties. I'm also anxious to see if it will have any effect on the pain in my right knee joint that has been giving me some trouble this last year, as it's supposed to be good for that as well. You know, I had absolutely no knee pain a day or two after arriving in New Mexico when we visited in November, which promptly came back nearly the minute we stepped off the plane in Oregon and got wafted by that thick, wet air. Yet another reason to long for the SW (although I sure don't miss the VERY dried out sinuses that kept me up some nights). 


The first round I gathered, we cooked up into a stir fry, which Justin and Isabelle seemed to really like, but I was not super crazy about, for some reason. These came right from the banks of the Willamette, and I don't know if that had anything to do with it, but it seemed like they had a super fishy taste to them, almost like catfish or some other bottom dwelling fish I resented having to eat as a kid. Whatever the reason, I wasn't crazy about them fresh, so I started drying them. They keep longer anyway, and if I change my mind about having some fresh, I'll drive the 5 miles to go get some. 

this bucket was full yesterday, but I've been slowly working my way through them since then, and still have about half a bucket left.

 I busted out my new dehydrator I got for Yule for the first time for this adventure. It didn't have a Nettles option on their list of drying times for some odd reason, but I can tell you from my experience so far, you can cut that 1 day drying time they have listed for "Greens" in half for these as long as your not overlapping them on the racks or anything. Spreading them out one layer thick, just touching each other, and not even rotating them, it took about 12 hours for the first two batches that I've now managed to dry completely. After they've been hanging around your house, waiting for their turn in the dehydrator, you can even cut that time in half again.

Here they are all dried and ready to go... Isabelle had way too much fun pulverizing them, using the smashing and stomping in the bag method. ;) She also thought the mortar and pestle was pretty neat too though. Kids are great slave labor, when they think they're getting to play. ;)

I figure i'll end up making a little less than the pound bags you can get from Mountain Rose for $4. Doesn't save you a ton of money, but it's amazing to do it yourself!


In other news, we got 8 new chickens and a rooster the other day! Seven were from a friend I had agreed to do a housekeeping trade for, and the Bantam and "mutt" rooster were from our neighbor Jack who had 7 too many roosters and is coincidentally bringing some chicken over for a barbecue in a few days. ;)

This is one of the Auracana's from Arianna. They and the Americauna's are my favorite so far, for their looks and personality. They are kind leaders and free spirits, laying eggs in strange random places, and look a lot like owls and hawks! I <3 them! This is the one I believe Isabelle named Stardust, after the movie and the book, which by the way, are COMPLETELY different from each other! I mean, only the very basic elements are the same in the movie from the book, otherwise, it's a completely different story. Completely! Sorry... just finished that recently and was really annoyed about it, so had to just say something. The book was WAY better. As if that needed saying.

This is our Rooster of unknown lineage, and no name as of yet. Justin wants to name him, but for now I'm calling him Punky Rooster. He's purty! 

Update: I've been informed that his name is Rooster Cogburn. Mine's wittier! :P

Here's more of the new flock, including the little black Banty on the left next to Punky Rooster Rooster Cogburn. We named her Paquita, cuz she's just little! There's another Auracana of which there are two, a Barred Rock, one of two Rhode Island Reds, and one of the two Golden Sex Links. They don't have names yet, but it's nothing personal, as most of the babies don't even have names yet, and we've had them for over a month now.  

Speaking of which, here are the cuties, looking a whole lot bigger than the first time you saw them here, on the video Isabelle and Justin made. There are 14 in the coop, and one in the house still trying to mend a gimpy foot, with a "boot" Justin made, as per some suggestions we read up on, on the Backyardchickens.com forums. She was thrown in for free and may not make it, as she's not growing very much and still has very limited mobility. :( Also, one of the Bantam's we bought died a few days after we brought them all home, which was quite the heartbreak. :( Her name was Penelope and she was the tiniest and loudest. We'll miss you little peepers! Ah, the woes of homesteading life.  

Hey little ladies!

One of the first eggs from our new adult chickens! So exciting! Our very own eggs! We've been eating lots of awesome, farm fresh eggs from the neighbors, but they're even better when they're your own. My most favorite of breakfasts lately is just simple over-easy eggs and masa cakes. So good!

This one looking right at the camera for me is an Americauna that looks an awful lot like an owl, whom I have named Moon. She has the prettiest lavender colored feathers...

On the far left here is another Americauna named Starhawk... Really wish you could see her face and coloring better to see how Hawk-like she is. She's beautiful!

The last of my Americauna friends, seen here drinking from one of our nifty chicken nipples, is Hawkeye, another very hawk-like beauty. I have never been so gaga about chickens! I mean, I've always liked them in a distant kinda way, but I have a real affinity for these birds! They are so soft and beautiful and smart! I heart them! I heart them a lot! 

Okay, well... That's my update! Thanks for reading! I'll let you know how that Nettle tincture turns out! And I'm sure you'll hear lots more about the chickens for years to come. I hope! 

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Overdoing it Vs. Underdoing it, and Frustrations with My Health and Limitations

Spring is springing up all around us, and I have been so excited to see the changes in our little acre homestead, as well as getting super excited to start/or finish some long awaited projects that we can finally get to now that the weather is starting to warm up and occasionally dry up. So things have been very, very busy the past week. Unfortunately, this means I've been running into a lot of frustration with my current health limitations putting a big wedge in the spokes of getting as much done as I'd wanted to. I actually had quite the break-down about it tonight, as I have been working a great deal in the yard the past few days, as well as having a constant string of company and kids over, right after getting over what was a very bad cold, and really just FEELING it all come bearing down on me and feeling like utter crap! But really, there's nothing new with that. The only thing new is that there is SO much I really want to, and feel like I have to, physically accomplish right now to get all that I want to do done this year. It just feels like there's this great sense of urgency to get as much done as possible... like I have to accomplish nearly a lifetime of things in this next year, or I lose... Game over. Really, it just feels like the culmination of a lifetime's dreams and goals finally coming to fruition at once. Or a whole semesters worth of homework due during finals week! Things that I've spent MANY years dreaming about and looking into doing are going to become reality this year. It just has to happen. By the end of it, I want to have my own real business, making actual money, doing the things I love, and living as self-sustainably as possible. So the past several days, I've really gone to town on the garden beds, that have been greatly neglected and over-run, by pulling out TONS of Oregano and Day Lilies that had just taken over everything, and tilling up the GORGEOUS soil to add many herbs and a few bulbous veggies, as well as getting many starts started in the greenhouse.

 Justin's been putting some finishing touches in the chicken coop, and the babies are finally in there for the first time tonight, with a tarp for a roof until we can get a permanent one up.

Isabelle and I helped move in the straw bedding we had picked up yesterday for them, and helped move in all their waterers and feeders, and I think that's what really set me off... The straw got to me so bad, I nearly lost my voice for a few hours, and my head still feels like it's swollen and throbbing from all the sneezing and snotting I did. It just feels like it's ALWAYS something! I was sick last week, and a couple weeks before, and a couple weeks before that! And my periods knock me on my ass every time, totally debilitating me for a few days out of the month, and I'm just so sick of it! If I were someone listening to me, I would think it was all in my head, and I'm even  starting to believe it, because I have been trying so hard to be good to myself for so long, that I'm really starting to think I've gone round the bend. I feel like I've done so much to try and improve it, by changing my diet and using herbs to stimulate my digestion, and relax my fried nerves, and I just don't understand why I still feel like total shit ALL THE F'ing TIME!!! It's making me INSANE!!! There's so much I want to do... that I HAVE to do to accomplish my goals, but I have to put limits on myself, or my body will. Hell, even when I do limit myself, my body still has something to say about it! It's so much a part of the reason I haven't been feeling like venturing out to shows, or to see friends who are further out now. Everything just takes so much effort, that by the time I've done the menial things I HAVE to, I'm completely spent. I'm just really, really, REALLY sick of it.

On the plus side, I found a wonderful place to wildcraft, and discovered a huge patch of Nettles! Plus, I'm attempting to start some Nettles from seeds. So the road to health can't be much further, right? ;) sigh...  There's not much more I can say about it. There's also less and less I feel I can do about it. I changed my diet. I started taking herbs that were supposed to help. I've been tested for nearly everything, with future tests to come, and I'm just out of ideas for now. As well as out of hope for anything new to ever work. And I'm also quite honestly burnt out on trying when so far nothing has worked. So I just go on with life and try as hard as hell to enjoy it as much as I can despite feeling like crap all the time, because really, what else can you do?? Seriously, anybody have any ideas?? I'm desperate!!!